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Digital Culture Awards 2025-we’re on the short-list!

Posted in General Posts and News

Today, I’m pleased and excited to announce that the Samplitude access Project has made it on to this years short-list in the Digital Network’s Digital Culture Awards! There’s been some really interesting and worthy entries in the long-list…and now it’s up against some really excellent submissions, but at least we’re still there and in with a chance of winning!

It’s taken a lot of hard work to get the project to where it is now…and huge thanks go out to all the users, who have stuck with it and continue to support it. hearing about how users are working with it and what they’re achieving is a real blast for me…knowing how it has empowered people to achieve their goals and be able to work in this field makes all the hard work worth it.

Even though the project has never looked for any kind of recognition, outside of it’s user base, it would be a fantastic achievement to have some outside organisation to realise what impact it’s had for the blind and visually impaired musicians who use and rely on this solution.. So, let’s all keep our finger’s crossed and hope that we can take that final step and win it!

To view this years short-list,
visit the Digital Culture Awards Ambassador short-list page.